Good start - mindfulness for vulnerable pregnant women

Research project

This is a developmental and research project, that creates a model for an empowered treatment offer for vulnerable pregnant woman and their partners.

Scientific articles

  • S Skovbjerg, A Sumbundu, M Kolls, A Kjærbye-Thygesen & LO Fjorback. The effect of an adapted Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program on mental health, maternal bonding and birth outcomes in psychosocially vulnerable pregnant women: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial in a Danish hospital-based outpatient setting. (2023).

  • Skovbjerg, S., Birk, D., Bruggisser, S. et al. Mindfulness-based stress reduction adapted to pregnant women with psychosocial vulnerabilities—a protocol for a randomized feasibility study in a Danish hospital-based outpatient setting. Pilot Feasibility Stud 7, 118 (2021).

Project Managers

Research areas

Promote mental health
Prevent stress, anxiety, depression
Treat stress, anxiety, depression
Mindfulness, compassion, activism
Climate, music, nature